Monday, May 31, 2010

And We're Off!

Ok. So, I know it's been forever since I've been around here. I mean, I was still in school for my last post. Now I've been out for a month and officially started work today. As most of you know, I will be spending the summer in Washington DC working for a ministry called the Center for Student Missions. This organization plans mission trips for various groups, mostly junior and senior high youth groups during the summer, and it is my job to show these groups around the city and act as their contact to the different ministry sites they work with. I was excited about this job the moment I heard about the opportunity and I can't believe I'm actually here now.

But, before I go rambling on about the job and all that jazz, I'll give you an (abreviated) update on my summer so far. It's so crazy glue to think that I've already been out of school for a month! The past month has been filled with all kinds of randomness and fun. I took a late nightroad trip up to DC to celebrate the end of finals. I went to the beach with some dear friends. I watched some friends from college graduate and I went home to see my baby sister get back from prom. I sat in church and listened to high school seniors give their senior messages. I shared coffee and meals with friends and family all over York. I "babysat" my darling cousins for a week. I had a surprise visit from an old friend. But those are just some things I did. If you're a polite person you'll probably pretend that you care, but don't feel like you have to. Because while I had great fun this past month, I know that God has been preparing my heart for this summer. And that's more important than anything I orchestrated in my time at home.

I have a lot to look forward to this summer and I can't wait to see how God is going to use this team of people He's brought together and the groups He places in our care to bring His glory to DC! I arrived here at the site around 1 this afternoon unpacked and said good bye to my family. I eventually got to meet the other members of the team and we got training underway. Basically we talked a little, went to dinner and then our bosses took us on the prayer tour that we'll be leading for the groups we host. I LOVE that the first thing we do in the city with the groups is take them around to pray over it. This provides a great first look at the city, some of it's greatest struggles and some of it's greatest strengths. When we talked about the tour later, a lot of people expressed feeling overwhelmed by everything they saw. For me it was a bit differerent. I've served here before. I've seen the poverty and the people of this city. And God has laid them on my heart. Not so much in an "I ache for the pain they're feeling" kimd of way but more in a "look what this city could do for Me" kimd of way. The way that makes me desire to see the people here through God's eyes. To see the people as children of the King and think about how their lives could impact the Kingdom. And this is not an easy thing to do or aspire to. I want to' see people as the flawed beings I know they are instead of the perfect beings God has created them to be. But it does create a sense of hope I know I can rely on. I know this is not going to be an easy summer. And there are going to be times when the things I learn or see are going to break my heart and truly make me feel ache for the poor and downtrodden of this place. But I also know that God has big things in store for Washington DC and the people living there. Because this city houses His children. And His children have the potential to change the world. Because He is in His children. And where His children go, He goes. And where God goes, great things are bound to happen. So this city is not going to have a clue what hit it. God's brought some of His children from all over the country to serve for a summer in this city. And each week He's sending some of His children here. Add in His children who live in this city and it's clear that God's ready to do big things. And I can't wait to see Him glorified in this city. I'm ready for this journey.