Thursday, February 18, 2010

Lenten Sacrifices

So...I know I'm a bit behind, seeing as Lent started yesterday and all, but I really want to do something this year to celebrate the Lenten season.

Tuesday night in my Social Theories class we got on the topic of what life would be like if there were no more entertainers to "enrich" our lives. A friend of mine freely admitted to watching Lifetime in her spare time so my professor asked her if she would feel a hole in her life if she no longer had that "luxury". Everybody laughed about it and she answered very honestly that no, her life would not be "impoverished" if Lifetime no longer existed. This was about the time that I started to zone out and not pay attention, partially because we had already been sitting there for over an hour, but mostly because I started to think about how different life would be if I wasn't so focused on other people entertaining me and actually shifted my focus to things that really matter.

Right before this class as we were walking from the BCM my friends and I were discussing Lent and the things that people give up for that season. I made the statement that if you can't come up with something to give up, it is just as effective to add something into your life that helps you to focus on God. And I do believe that Lent is about making time to spend with God in a manner that allows you to reflect on and prepare for the Easter season. Lent is not about what we give up just to "do Lent". But really, there are so many things that clutter our lives that it should not be that difficult to come up with one thing we can do without. Especially if we make a commitment to fill that void with God. So what if Lifetime leaves a hole in somebody's life, God can fill that hole. If I'm going to make the commitment to give something up, I want it to be coupled with a desire to grow closer to God. What good is giving up television if my time isn't spent being more purposeful in my relationships and growing in Christ? Does giving up sweets really remind me of who my Savior is?

I still don't know exactly what I'm going to be doing for Lent - but I want to be sure it includes a commitment to my relationship with Christ. If I come up with something, I'll try to let you know. In the mean time - how do you celebrate Lent?


Unknown said...

Peterso, you have a very Catholic understanding of Lent! :D

Katie Jones said...

I've never really celebrated Lent for reasons along the lines of what you have stated. I remember kids at school doing it for the fun of it... also reminds me of my friend's anthro of food presentation when she was talking about some Jews today simply fasting for the sake of losing weight. I agree that life should always be designed as an attempt at pleasing God all the time, which means perpetually being aware of those things you may only be willing to give up for 40 days.

Good post. It's refreshing to hear a kindred voice.

word verification: "nolester" ;)

Sadie said...

First of all, I'd like to say that I just figured out how to do this :D smiley face the other day. meaning i just the other realized it was a "D" Completely off topic but I figured I was amongst celebratory company.

I'm not doing Lent because I never did before coming to school and starting to observe it just because of social pressure defeats the purpose. Especially when, as Katie says, you can always give something up to make more time for God, not just these 40 days.

That said, I agree with your understanding of Lent and for me it serves as a reminder to let go of my grip and be still before God. So thanks for that ;)

word verification= cycha. like how i'm "watching" psych with Claire while doing "work."